Fun and Creative Alternatives to Photo Frames

Photo frames are a great way to brighten up a room, but they can be costly, bulky, or impractical for those who don’t want to drill holes in their walls. For those who still want to make a statement with their photos, there are plenty of clever picture frame alternatives.
All you need is some creativity. Almost anything can be used to creatively display your pictures.
Here are some fun and creative alternatives to photo frames for displaying your favourite photos.
Personalised keyrings are fun and creative items for you to share your favourite memories. Not only are photo keyrings convenient enough for you to carry around everywhere with you, but they also make great gifts for friends too.
Want to make your life a little easier while also displaying your photos? Calendars make excellent substitutes for photo frames. There are numerous options for creating your calendar with your photos, or you can have one professionally printed for about the same price as any other calendar. You can even begin the year this month, so there’s still time to get started on last year’s resolution to become more organized. Add photos to motivate you to achieve a goal, favourite holiday memories, and personal events to make your calendar even more special.
Mugs also make great alternatives to displaying your best photos. Why not have a photo printed on a mug so that you always know which tea is yours? If you have a lot of photos from your favourite holiday trip, display one photo on a mug to create a fun, personalized display that will make you smile all year.
Fridge magnets
Remember when you were a kid and your mother proudly displayed your drawings and photos on the fridge? Good times! Perhaps your fridge is already a piece of art that you’d like to add a few of your favourite photos to. Using fridge magnets as picture frame alternatives is a fun way to add some spice to your kitchen while serving as a great reminder of some fond childhood memories.
Tables, chairs, and glass coffee tables that have seen better days can make excellent picture frame substitutes. All you need is some mod podge or clear resin, some pictures, and possibly some clear glass to make a fantastic piece of accent furniture that will liven up any room.
You can hang pictures almost anywhere if you have a clothesline and some clothespins. Mount an indoor clothesline to a piece of wood that is hung on a wall in your home, and use clothespins or binder clips to display different photos or works of art as needed.
Water Bottles
Say goodbye to plastic bottles and hello to personalised water bottles! They’re a cool, unique and environmentally friendly way to stay hydrated. By adding your photos to this personalised water bottle, you’ll be proud to show it off to everyone when on the go. A customized water bottle would be a great gift for your best friends on their birthdays or maybe one for yourself to brag about.
Why not print a large photo or piece of art that you adore on a soft fleece throw? It’d look lovely draped across your couch or favourite chair or folded on your bed. An ultrasound printed on a blanket would make a lovely gift for soon-to-be parents! If you have too many favourite photos to choose from, making a photo quilt might be a good idea. Make fabric out of your printed images and use it as a panel in any type of quilting project to wrap yourself in happy memories or to create interesting artistic effects.
Now that you have the creative ideas in mind, just pick your favourite ones and we’ll have your photos printed out in no time! We are the UV printing experts in Kenya, using our high-tech equipment, to freeze your memories forever on almost every solid surface you can think of.
Get in touch with us to get your photos printed out or just to simply find out more information about us.
Until next time, cheers!